Friday 16 July 2010

Soap Opera Trailer Analysis - Coronation Street

Soap Trailer

This trailer makes use of episodic narrative meaning there are lots of different storylines going on but they all link in some way. This is very common to soap trailers as soaps themselves typically have a metanarrative.

There is a title slide at the end of the trailer to give the audience important information about the episode advertised such as when it will broadcasted.

I think that the Uses and Gratifications theory could be applied to this trailer as it would require the audience to absorb the stories that are shown. It is not something that you could just sit back and take in as there are lots of different stories and it is up to the audience to piece them together. Also because the theory says people are looking to watch media texts to find personal identity, and by seeing this trailer a person may find a character that they can reate to and this may make them want to watch.

The trailer is very fast paced, each clip only lasting from 1 – 3 seconds. This fast paced editing helps to create tensions and build suspense. This is a good technique for attracting attention as the audience will be drawn in and they will want to carry on watching. This tension is emphasised by the non diegetic music in the background of the trailer, which is very upbeat and fast. The tempo of the music adds to the speed of the trailer and is very fitting for the fast transactions. All of these factors help to build tension and draw in the audience.

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