Thursday 15 July 2010

The Purpose of a Trailer

Trailers are a form of commercial advertisement for a piece of media. Trailers aim to draw in an audience by being captivating as well as giving the audience important information about the advertised media such as broadcasting dates and main plots.

With TV programs such as Soap Operas, it is important to draw the audience in. This is because Soap Operas are a type of media that has been running for a very long time and usually 3 - 4 times a week. This means it can become very easy for the audience to loose interest in the series. By using exciting and insightful soap trailers the audience can re-engage in the soap.

For example if an individual was starting to feel a soap was repetitive, a good way to re-gain their attention would be through a new story advertised via a soap trailer.

Soap trailers will often consist of short clips displaying the different stories involved in an episode. They will show the different characters in the episode and give some idea what is going to happen. They shouldn't however reveal too much to gain the audiences suspense and make them want to watch to find out what is going to happen.

Using trailers is also a good way to obtain new audiences, by advertising new story lines new audiences are likely to want to find out more about the soap and therefore potentially watch it.

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