Wednesday 5 January 2011

Magazine Cover Layout Design

Magazine Cover Layout Design

After creating our basic drafts, we decided we would each create a design using the photographs we have taken for the final piece so we could properly see our ideas. This way we can pick out the elements we think work best for our final magazine cover. This is the cover I created. The main colour scheme is red and yellow, I chose this because they are very bright colours and stand out a lot. I thought that if this magazine was on a shelf amongst others, these colours would help it stand out from the rest. With regards to font type, I tried to use very bold and large fonts to make the important information stand out. For example the price on the left hand side is very large as this is an important selling point. I also added a yellowy explosion underneath it to gain even more attention.

The magazine cover is missing one photo, of the wedding scene, and in the final piece this photo will be placed above the photo of George.

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