Sunday 2 January 2011

Feedback for Rough Cut Trailer

On completion of the rough draft of our soap opera trailer, we showed it to our class in order to gain some critical feedback that we can use to improve our trailer. The class made the following points:
- The opening of the trailer needs something to break it in more gently rather than just starting abruptly.
- Non diegetic music should be added to create tension and mood. It should be different for key scenes to make them more distinctive.

- Not sure why in the pub scene the acting style changes quite drastically in the sense that they delivery of the script is very over exaggerated.

We responded to these points and took them on board in order to make best use of the feedback and use it to help us improve our trailer as best as we can.

We agree with the observation about the over-acting in the pub scene and we ourselves had reservations about this. The actresses used an over exaggerated voice and accent as they are meant to be portraying older characters, and in this sense I feel the acting worked. However, in relation to the rest of the trailer, it does not match up to the acting of the other characters. We can justify this by saying that the characters in this scene are talking about something they are excited by hence why they sound excitable and exaggerated.

With regards to the non diegetic music, this is something we were already considering and we agree with the comments about it adding mood. Now its the case of finding the right music for the feel of the trailer and the music that will best accentuate the mood. I also agree that the music should differ in the key scenes, mainly due to the fact that the three main scenes have very different moods, for example an upbeat track would not suit the scene with George looking at the photo of Helen. We will continue researching the music available for us to use and add it in when it comes to creating our next draft.

We are going to consider the comment made about the trailer starting abruptly and we discussed whether it should start with a few seconds of a blank screen with the music slowly fading in. I feel like we are sticking to convention by going straight into the drama and this is something likely to gain more attention from the audience. However, we will consider this comment and try out different variations when it comes to editing our next draft.

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