Wednesday 1 September 2010

Soap Opera Questionaire Results

Here are the results and analysis of my results:

36759820 Soap Opera Trailer Questionnaire Results[1]

From the results of my target audience questionnaire I can conclude that the main audience groups for soap operas are economic groups C - E, and of a large range of ages. This means we will have to consider what will best attract these groups when it comes to creating our soap opera trailer. This will mean using a diverse range of actors, ranging in age and class in order to have a cast that can be related to by all audiences. We will try to apply the uses and gratifications theory of personal relation to our soap opera trailer, which will enable our audience to relate to particular characters, helping them empathise with the story lines.

We have used the results of this questionnaire to help us create our target audience profile which can be seen on our group blog here:

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