Thursday 23 September 2010

Final Ideas

As a group we got together to decide what story lines and characters we would definitely use. James Garrod wrote up a table which displayed the story lines, characters, locations and audiences.

We decided on using the following story lines:
- an interrupted wedding
- a house party
- a pub based storyline
- a man in love with the bride

We decided to include the following characters in our soap opera:
- Helen, the bride to be
- Dan, the groom to be
- George, the character secretly in love with Helen
- Jenny, the conventional teenage girl trying to impress her friends
- Hendrick, the typical 'Jack the Lad'
- Keith, the village drunk

The locations we will use are as follows:
- The local village
- The local pub
- The church
- The house were the party happens

To see this work, visit the group blog at:

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