Thursday 23 September 2010

Initial Ideas for Our Soap Opera

As a group we had a discussion about our initial ideas. This was so we could collate all of our thoughts and ideas of what should go into our soap opera. We firstly thought about story lines and characters that could be included in our first two episodes. We focused on the first two episodes because when it came to making our trailer we could pick out the parts we thought would work best in a trailer.

To contribute to this discussion I suggested that we use a wedding based storyline as I thought it would work well due it being popular in other existing soaps such as Bradley and Staceys wedding in Eastenders. According to the viewing figures for this specific episode were 11,446,000.

Other ideas we came up with as a group were:
- Theft
- House party
- Local pub
- Young couple
- Drugs and alcohol

We will continue to develop these ideas to decide what is going to into our soap opera.

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