Tuesday 19 October 2010

Auditions and Audition Videos

We created a list of the characters that we will hold auditions for. We based this decision on using the characters who had speaking parts. We then advertised the auditions and held the auditioning process. We filmed each persons audititon to have something to refer back to. This meant we could then choose the best person for the role.

Our audition videos and information can be seen on our group blog here:

Final Script

We have developed the draft copies of our script to create our final script which includes all the information needed for filming. We have added in extra dialogue that was not included before, for example the character of Jenny now has dialogue in the party scene, and we also added more stage directions. It is important to have a very detailed script so the cast have got good direction of how to preform. I contributed to this by deciding Jenny should have some dialogue in the party scene so it is obvious as to whose party it is.

The final script is on our group blog here:

Prop List

We made a list of all the props we will use in each scene of our soap opera trailer. This will help us when it comes to filming our final piece as we can use it as a checklist to ensure we have all the correct props. The list includes all the items that will be seen in each shot, such as drinking glasses in the pub scene, and a photograph in Georges scene.

I contributed to this piece of working by helping with the listing of the props for some of the scenes. The piece of work can be seen on our group blog here:


We had to produce a piece of work showing what each characters costume will be made up of. We based these decisions on the connotations of the colouring on the clothing. For example dark clothes having negative connotations or pale clothes having positive or innocent connotations. We made a list showing pictures of what each character would wear and underneath explained why we had chosen this.

I contributed to this piece of by finding the pictures of each item of clothing for each character and writing the explanations of why they had been chosen. The costume list can be seen on our group blog here:


In the group we needed to write a list of the equipment we will be using and what we will be using it for. The list included:
- 3 cameras
- 3 tripods
- 3 memory cards
- a dolly
- editing software

I produced a document showing this information which can be seen on the group blog here:


As a group we had a discussion about where we will be filming each scene of our soap opera trailer. The locations will include a house, we can use different rooms in the same house for different scenes, a church or reception hall and a pub. We will be contacting venues to see if we can get permission to film in a pub and a golf club (for the wedding reception).

Matt Bigg produced a piece of work to display the ideas we had on the locations we are going to be filming in and this can be seen here:

Animatic Storyboard

We created an animatic storyboard which showed the transitions we have chosen to use in our soap opera trailer. We have also used a voice over to give information about why we have made these decisions. I contributed to this piece of work by creating the video itself and taking part in creating the voice over. We made our decisions about the transitions based on what we thought would be most effective, for example using a fade to black when something bad is about to happen to give negative connotations.

Our animatic storyboard is on our group blog here:

Second Draft Script

We created a second draft of our script to add in more important information about each scene. This included stage directions, what each character will be doing in each scene, and the time the scene will take place. I contributed to this piece of work by writing the stage directions that appear in each scene. Stage directions are important because they will let the actors know in what way they should be acting.

The second draft of the script is on our group blog here:

Photographic Storyboard

As a group we created a photographic storyboard in which we took photos of each scene to show the camera angles and camera shots that we would use. We done this by creating small scenes that would represent our actual scenes. I contributed to this piece of work by helping with setting up the scenes, taking the photos and presenting the actual storyboard. This piece of work will enable us to have something to look back at when it comes to filming to help us make sure we are using the correct angles and shots.

The photographic storyboard can be seen here:

Initial Script

As a group we created a first draft of our script so we had a basic outline of the dialogue in each scene and shot. I contributed to this by writing the dialogue in each scene. We discussed what it should include as a group and I then went and typed it up.

Our initial script can be seen on our group blog here: